Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Societal Dispossession Of Humanity By Aldous Huxley

Bailee Whitley Ms. Schoch AP Lang./ 5th Period 12 August 2016 Societal Dispossession of Humanity Everyone wants everyone to be happy. It is the general mindset philosophy of society today to wish no ill-will or troubles toward anyone, including themselves. Many dream of a world in which everyone gets along, where there are no wars or famine or sorrow. What happens if those dreams become a reality, though? What does a world in which there is no ill-will or conflict look like? Thankfully, Aldous Huxley has crafted a world in which all of these dreams are a reality. Not so thankfully, this sought-after world is not as wondrous and illustrious as it may seem. A world in which citizens are given drugs handily and sexual encounters are arranged in earshot of any who so desires to is a world without substance and deeper meaning. The truth of the matter is that when people depend on drugs to keep them happy, as well as enough attractions and bountiful food to keep everyone entertained and sated, humans as a species lose what makes them so special: growth and development in the face of conflict. Without hunger, suffering, and hate or emotion in general, then we lose meaning not only as a people but as a species. In a time of abundance and excessive consumerism, deep and philosophical thinking begin to be considered unnecessary; faith and religion therefore become irrelevant. While initially appearing as a utopia of sorts, a society in which excessive consumerism over

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