Sunday, May 17, 2020

Essay about Personal Statement Goals in Nuclear Engineering

Personal Statement: Interests, Experiences, and Goals in Nuclear Engineering Money and fame do not motivate my goals. Engineering in all forms is a field of innovation and invention. Aspirations of any great engineer should be to introduce to the world a new idea, product, or service that will make people happier and the environment safer. Success in these challenges is a reward greater than any dollar amount or public recognition. Engineers bring societies to new levels of civilization through their advancements in technology and discovery. The challenge to provide people with ever-increasing standards while at the same time feeding the population with ideas of what could be attracts my imagination, intelligence, and curiosity far more†¦show more content†¦The knowledge then expanded in an Advanced Placement Chemistry class. In physics I did a project on nuclear fusion. The paper discussed concepts of nuclear physics never taught to me. I worked hard to grasp the difficult theories, and my grades exhibit dedication to furthering this competence. Mankind has limitless potential. However, we often are first forced to break down old barriers. In the past humans have broken free of gravity and traveled through the skies. Then came the invention of the computer. The idea of millions of calculations performed each minute may have seemed absurd a century ago, but society’s dependence on it today can never be overestimated. The future, I believe, will be an era of power and energy. Nuclear technology can make deep space exploration possible while making daily life on Earth more comfortable and safer. Nuclear power has minimal threats to our natural environment, and nuclear science can detect and cure many diseases. Seeing all the possibilities related to nuclear engineering, I am easily drawn into this field. Nuclear engineering, although highly controversial, is a very safe and reliable source of technology that will improve our lives. I am very enthusiastic to be starting college soon and taking the next step towards my chosen career. I have learned the fundamentals of math and science, and now I want to further my education. Within time I will be given the opportunity to applyShow MoreRelatedStatement of Purpose as Petroleum Engineer Essay1078 Words   |  5 PagesPersonal Statement As a graduate applicant to the MEng program in Petroleum Engineering, I am writing my ideas, thoughts and the reasons to pursue this program at C. I have come across several fields of petroleum exploration and production during my undergraduate and graduate studies. 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